This bill safeguards the fundamental right of parents in South Carolina to guide their children's upbringing, education, and care. While state courts have consistently upheld this right, it lacks permanent legal protection. Enacting this bill would ensure that parental rights receive the strictest scrutiny and are firmly secured by law.

Parental Bill of Rights legislation will help re-establish the sanctity of the home as a fundamental principle of liberty for our free society.

At Parental Rights South Carolina, we're dedicated to guiding parents in remaining vigilant against threats to their rights. Our focus encompasses legislative actions, medical autonomy, education-related issues, and threats to educational freedom. Moreover, we advocate for proactive involvement to ensure these rights are upheld.
Parental Rights South Carolina stands at the forefront of a growing grassroots initiative, driven by the conviction that parents inherently possess the right to guide their children's upbringing, education, and care. 
  • Advocacy


    In the realm of parental rights, advocacy serves as the frontline defense against legislative measures that may encroach upon these fundamental liberties. By actively participating in the advocacy process, parents and supporters work tirelessly to monitor, respond to, and influence policy proposals. This vigilance is crucial in identifying and opposing bills that threaten to undermine parents' authority over their children's education, healthcare decisions, and overall upbringing. Through strategic lobbying, awareness campaigns, and community mobilization, advocates for parental rights not only seek to safeguard existing freedoms but also to promote an environment where family autonomy is respected and protected against overreach.

  • Awareness

    Awareness is the cornerstone of defending parental rights in the face of legislative challenges. It involves staying informed about current and proposed laws that could infringe upon the ability of parents to make crucial decisions for their children's welfare. This vigilance enables parents to anticipate potential threats and take proactive measures. By cultivating a deep understanding of the legal landscape, parents can engage more effectively in dialogue and advocacy, ensuring their voices are heard in the corridors of power where the future of their rights is often decided. Awareness isn't just about keeping an eye on the horizon; it's about empowering parents to be the first line of defense against policies that could dilute their authority over their children's upbringing and care.

  • Educational Freedom

    Educational freedom stands as a cornerstone of parental rights, championing the principle that parents should have the ultimate say in their children's schooling without government interference. This concept underscores the belief that families ought to select the educational pathways that best align with their values and the unique needs of their children. By promoting educational freedom, we advocate for a system that respects parents' insights and decisions, ensuring they can choose from a broad spectrum of educational options — be it public, private, homeschooling, or alternative educational models. This approach empowers families, fosters innovation in learning, and upholds the fundamental right of parents to guide their children's educational journey.

  • Self-governance

    Self-governance, in the context of parental rights, emphasizes the importance of collaboration with elected officials while maintaining a vigilant stance. Trusting elected representatives to act in the best interest of families is ideal, yet history and experience teach us caution. Active participation and oversight by parents and guardians ensure that their voices are heard and their rights protected. This relationship is not adversarial but rather a partnership, one built on the foundation of mutual respect and the shared goal of safeguarding the rights and well-being of children. The essence of self-governance lies in the proactive involvement of the community, advocating for policies that reflect the values and priorities of parents, thereby shaping a future where parental rights are upheld and respected by all.